Cat 3

Spring Series 2005: Results

Dates: Feb 27th to March 27th, 2005
Location: Langley, Aldergrove, & Abbotsford, BC

Race #8-10: Devo Spring Classic Stage Race - Mar 26-27, 2005

New: Images available from Melissa Walsh. Visit her website to see more.

Results as of March 28th, 2005:

Saturday March 26th Road Race

A's 118 Km

1 Christian Meier (Symmetrics)
2 Luca Segato (Organic Athlete)
3 Sean Dawson (Trek Red Truck Ale)
4 Min Van Velzen (Symmetrics)
5 Brad Issel (Trek Red Truck Ale)
6 James Sparling (Bicisport)
7 Andrew Kyle (Sugoi Giant)
8 Josh James (Trek Red Truck Ale)
9 Scott Goguen (Symmetrics)
10 James Shaw (Coastal)

B's 101 Km

1 Ryan Anderson (Juventus)
2 Lloyd Thomas (Sugoi Giant)
3 Tim Abercrombie (Escape Velocity)
4 Mike Boehm (The Bike Co. Whistler)
5 Maurizio Giralo (Mighty Riders)
6 Horacio Chaves
7 Graham Pierce
8 Fraser Hayes (Adventure Bound)
9 Tony Routley (Flora Glow Norco)
10 Jackson Buehler (Devo Powerbar Ryders BSP Cannondale)

C's 70 Km

1 Chris Smit (Coastal)
2 Deema Annyuk (Coastal)
3 Brad Bisset (Wedgewood)
4 David Garth (Coastal)
5 Ben Jackson (Escape Velocity)
6 Cody Campbell (Soliton)
7 Jack New (Escape Velocity)
8 David Richardson
9 Klint Burton
10 Ryan Cousineau (Escape Velocity)

Sunday March 27th Criterium A’s 75 Minutes 1 Murray Solem (Blak Dog) 2 Chris Worsfold (Bayside) 3 James Sparling (BiciSport) 4 Luca Segato (Organic Athlete) 5 Christian Meier (Symmetrics) 6 Min Van Velzin (Symmetrics) 7 Chris Barth (Bayside) 8 Jordan Guenette (Solo Adobe) 9 Andrew Kyle (Sugoi Giant) 10 Maurice Worsfold (Bayside) Primes: $20 Bradley Fairall Sisu Chris Worsfold B’s 60 Minutes 1 Lloyd Thomas (Sugoi Giant) 2 Fraser Hayes (Adventure Bound) 3 John Perkins (Escape Velocity) 4 Jackson Buehler (Devo Powerbar BSP Ryders Cannondale) 5 Jack Macdougall 6 Unknown (green jersey) 7 Paul Craig (Natural Earth Racing) 8 Lisa Sweeny (Adventure Bound) 9 Nick Berry 10 Unknown Primes: Sisu Jackson Beuhler $20 Jeff Ain Cannondale Fraser Hayes C’s 45 Minutes 1 Jak New (Escape Velocity) 2 Chris Smit (Coastal) 3 David Garth (Coastal) 4 Allan Koscowski (Wedgewood) 5 Cody Cambell (Soliton 6 Leif Macdonald (Atomic) 7 Ben Jackson (Escape Velocity) 8 Unknown 9 Unknown 10 Unknown Prime: Sisu Klint Burton
Time Trial A’s 12km 1 Christian Meier 15:53 2 Jeff Sherstobitoff 16:05 3 Min Van Velzin 16:08 4 Scott Slatter 16:09 4 Bradley Fairall 16:09 4 Andreas Hestler 16:09 7 Ken Johnson 16:10 8 James Sparling 16:40 9 Scott Goguen 16:47 10 Trevor Connor 16:54 11 Scott Lalberte 17:02 11 Jim Kwasnicki 17:02 13 David Dunnison 17:09 14 Chris Reid 17:13 14 Murray Solem 17:13 16 Erik Kameka 17:16 16 Jeff Sparling 17:16 18 Don Larson 17:17 19 Jordan Guenette 17:27 20 Andrew Kyle 17:35 21 Paul Beard 17:44 22 Brad Slater 17:51 23 Pat White 19:33 24 Teron Singh 19:59 B’s 12 km 1 Dancan Steele 17:26 2 Fraser Hayes 17:33 3 Tim Abercrombie 17:36 4 Jeff Castenmiller 17:40 5 Jeff Ain 17:43 6 Ryan Anderson 17:51 7 Jackson Buehler 17:52 8 John Perkins 18:08 9 Paul Craig 18:10 10 Maurie Kowalski 18:15 11 Austin Macdougall 18:17 11 Christian Rawlic 18:17 13 Nathan Macdonald 18:28 14 Darrin Grund 18:36 15 Mathew Cottrell 18:37 16 Trevor Bant 18:43 17 Lloyd Thomas 18:47 17 Julia Hlynski 18:47 19 Maria Lee 18:54 20 Christina Briante 19:03 21 Reid Tucker 19:10 22 Marni Hambleton 19:20 23 Matt Potma 19:26 24 Moriah MacGregor 19:28 25 Graeme Bant 19:43 26 Rider 124 19:56 27 Clair Cameron 20:53 C’s 12 km 1 Ken Bognar 18:24 2 Chris Smit 18:30 3 Klint Burton 18:32 4 Ryan Cousineau 18:53 5 Jak New 18:58 6 Naomi Cooper 19:14 7 Cody Campbell 19:57 8 Brandon Carey 20:09 9 Ben Jackson 20:10 10 Micayla Gatto 20:22 11 David Garth 20:29 12 Lisa Tasa 20:40 13 Sara Laliberte 20:52 14 Zack Henry 24:02 Devo Spring Classic Stage Race: General Classification note: racers had to complete all stages to qualify for the omnium A’s 1 (38 points) Christian Meier (Symmetrics) 2 (26 points) Min Van Velzin (Symmetrics) 3 (22 points) Jeff Sparling (BiciSport) 4 (15 points) Murray Solem (Blak Dog) 5 (12 points) Jeff Sherstobitoff (Symmetrics) 6 (10 points) Andrew Kyle (Sugoi Giant) 7 (8 points) Scott Goguen (Symmetrics) 7 (8 points) Andreas Hestler (Rocky Mountain Business Objects) 7 (8 points) Ken Johnson (Blak Dog) 7 (8 points) Scott Slater (Solo Adobe) B’s 1 (29 points) Fraser Hayes (Adventure Bound) 2 (27 points) Lloyd Thomas (Sugoi Giant) 3 (22 points) Ryan Anderson (Juventus) 4 (20 points) Tim Abercrombie (Escape Velocity) 5 (18 points) Jackson Beuhler (Devo Powerbar Ryders) 6 (15 points) John Perkins (Devo Powerbar Ryders) 7 (10 points) Paul Craig (Natural Earth Racing) 8 (4 points) Nick Berry 9 (3 points) Maurie Kowalski (Lactic Acid Racing) C’s 1 (39 points) Chris Smit (Coastal) 2 (29 points) Jak New (Escape Velocity) 3 (21 points) Cody Campbell (Soliton) 4 (19 points) David Garth (Coastal) 5 (18 points) Ben Jackson (Escape Velocity) 6 (14 points) Klint Burton 7 (12 points) Ryan Cousineau (Escape Velocity) 8 (3 points) Micayla Gatto (OTE Rocky Mountain)

Race #7: Aldergrove Zero Ave Road Race - Mar 20, 2005

While the rain managed to hold off in Aldergrove on Sunday, soaking the rest of Vancouver, Langley, and surrounding areas, the strong winds managed to be a determining factor in the longest Spring Series races to date.

In the A Group, riders faced 20 laps of the 7km circuit, which included a 1.2km climb every lap. Off the gun, it was the ever present Bayside instigator, Chris Barth, taking along Shane Savage (Solo), Luca Segato (Organic Athlete) and Jo Joe [aka Don Buscombe] (Rocky Mtn). This four man group would gain as much as 4 minutes on the pack over the next 15 laps, battling a strong cross wind along Zero Ave. Jo Joe, Barth, and Segato survived until 4 laps to go, when they were eventually caught. Basse Clement (Solo) and Scott Goguen (Symmetrics) then went on the attack, riding away from a field that dwindled in size from 35 riders down to 15. Christian Meier (Symmetrics) bridged across and helped Goguen take on an out-numbered Clement. Goguen and Meier rode across the line together, with Clement wheeling across shortly after. Segato took an impressive 4th after his 3 hour long adventure, with Larry Zimich (Coastal) rounding out the top 5.

In the B Group, it was textbook race tactics from Brian Storey, Tim Abercrombie, and Jeff Ain (Escape Velocity / Devo) as Storey went away early in the race on a solo break. Strongman Mike Boehm (the Bike Co) big-ringed it up the hill, riding across a 2 minute gap to Storey to make it a two man break at the 11th lap. Abercrombie, Ain, and a third Bayside rider then attacked the pack, holding at 1 minute behind the leaders and 1 minute ahead of the field for a few laps. Abercrombie then bridged across to Storey and Boehm, mirroring the A Group finale. After multiple attacks from Storey and Ambercrombie on Zero Ave on the last lap, Boehm finally cracked, as Ambercrombie took the victory at the top of the hill. Boehm took second, Storey third, while Ain soloed in ahead of the pack in fourth. Lloyd Thomas won the pack sprint for fifth.

And in the C Group, the wind shattered the small group into several smaller groups, with Klint Burton and 15 year old Cody Campbell (Soliton) riding off for the win. Chris Smit (Coastal), David Gerth (Coastal), and Ryan Cousineau (Escape Velocity) chased hard to take 3rd through 5th.

A Group - 20 laps / 140km

1. Scott Goguen                Symmetrics
2. Christian Meier              Symmetrics
3. Basse Clement              Rocky Mountain Adobe
4. Luca Segato                 Organic Athlete
5. Larry Zimich                  Coastal
6. Jeff Sherstobitoff              Symmetrics
7. Carl Jacobson                Rocky mountain Adobe
8. Jordan Guenette            Rocky Mountain Adobe
9. Don Larson                   Penninsula Cycles
10. Dan Schmidt                 Blak Dog

B Group - 17 laps / 119km

1. Tim Abercrombie           Escape Velocity
2. Mike Boehm                 The Bike Co
3. Brian Storey                 Escape Velocity
4. Jeff Ain                        dEVo Powerbar
5. Lloyd Thomas              Sugoi
C Group - 8 laps / 56km

1. Klint Burton               
2. Cody Campbell            Soliton
3. Chris Smit                   Coastal
4. David Gerth               Coastal
5. Ryan Cousineau            Escape Velocity

Race #6: Atomic Road Race - Mar 19, 2005

Cool temperatures, wind, and rain replaced the sunshine of the past few weeks at the Devo/Powerbar Spring Series today. The races covered the BC Cup Atomic Road Race course, giving riders a preview of the race scheduled for later this year.

In the A Group, a breakaway of 4 riders gained as much as 5:30 on the peloton, with the chase starting in earnest on lap 4 and 5 of the 12 lap race. Half-way through the race, a split of the field occured on the back side of the course, making the selection for the eventual race winners. The remnants of the breakaway were caught and with 2 laps to go, teammates Christian Meier and Brad Fairall (Symmetrics) attacked the lead group, with Meier and Fairall riding the last lap in the lead together. Larry Zimich (Coastal) took third spot in front of Sean Dawson (Trek/Red Truck Racing) and Keith Stark (Rocky Mountain/Business Objects).

A Group - 113km - 12 laps
1.  Christian Meier                Symmetrics
2.  Brad Fairall                     Symmetrics
3.  Larry Zimich                    Coastal
4.  Sean Dawson                  Trek Red Truck Ale
5.  Keith Stark                      Rocky Mountain/Business Objects
B Group - 103km - 11 laps
1.  Mike Boehm                    The Bike Co.
2.  Garth White                     Comox Valley CC
3.  John Perkins                    Escape Velocity
4.  Tim Abercrombie              Escape Velocity
5.  Tony Routley                    Floraglow Norco
C Group - 60km - 6 laps
1.  Deema Annyuk               Coastal

other places for C group not available at this time

Commissaire's Notes (Sandy Harrison, Chief Commissaire)

The following riders have received an official warning for centre line violations.

#44 Larry Zimich
#45 Keith Stark

Race #5: Bradner Road Race - Mar 13, 2005

The rolling farmroads of Bradner played host to 171 riders on Sunday, with a 9km circuit course. Another sunny and hot day (17 °), jerseys and shorts were the order of the day, as lots of very white legs received some much needed tanning.

In the A Group, a large group of 20 riders got away early on the third lap, not without being passed by an eager B Group on the first lap. Once the two groups were separated, the racing got underway. In the lead group, most of the Symmetrics squad (Brad Fairral, Christian Meier, Jeff Sherstibitoff), several Solo/Adobe riders including Carl Jacobson, and Trek/Red Truck Racing strong man Sean Dawson were all present, along with Martin Gilbert (Trek/VW) and pro Kirk O'Bee (Navigators). The large group, which seemed destined to ride away with the race, got over 2:30 on the chase group of 35 riders, but with 7 laps remaining, the group was pulled back in. Left in front was Andrew Kyle (Sugoi), Dawson, and Jacobson.

These riders would continue for a few more laps, before being caught by a hard-charging reformed peloton. The last 4 laps would be characterized by attacks on Bradner's rollers, with small groups of 2 and 4 riders getting away then being brought back in. Finally, a group of 5 riders secured their move, with Kirk O'Bee bridging up, followed by a solo bridge from Larry Zimich (Team Coastal). In the sprint, O'Bee took first place over Martin Gilbert and Luca Segato (Organic Athlete).

The B Group race was a continuation of the grudge match between two guys who will soon find themselves in the A Group. The winners of 4/5 B Group races to date, the familiar faces of Garth White (Comox Valley CC) and Tim Abercrombie (Escape Velocity) emerged on the last lap, along with Paul Craig (Natural Earth Racing), leading the pack by no more than 200m. Craig lost contact as Abercrombie towed White to the line for the last 2km. White then came around Abercrombie to take a cheeky victory...

Chris Smit (Team Coastal) made it 2 for 2 this weekend winning his second C Group race. Teammate Deema Annyuk was 2nd and 15 year-old phenom Cody Campbell (Team Soliton) took an impressive 3rd place.

Kirk O'Bee (Navigators) takes the A Group sprint. Photo: Peter Ross

O'Bee wins the A's White outsprints Abercrombie
photos: Greg Descantes
More photos available from Canadian Cyclist:
  • A Group
  • B & C Group
    A Group: 58 Racers, 14 laps, 126km
    1st    Kirk Obee                Navigators Insurance
    2nd   Martin Gilbert           Trek Volkswagen
    3rd    Luca Segato            Organic Athlete
    4th    Christian Meier         Symmetrics
    5th    Sean Dawson           Trek Red Truck Ale
    6th    Larry Zimich             Coastal
    7th    Bradley Fairall          Symmetrics
    8th    Brad Issel                Trek Red Truck Ale
    9th    Keith Stark              Rocky Mountain Business Objects
    10th  Jordan Guenette       Rocky Mountain Adobe
    B Group: 79 Racers, 10 laps, 90km
    1st    Garth White             Comox Valey Cycling Club
    2nd   Tim Abercrombie      Escape Velocity
    3rd    Mike Boehm            The Bike Co.
    4th    Mathew Campbell     CVC
    5th    Celeo Guifarro          WWU Cycling
    C Group: 34 Racers, 6 laps, 54km
    1st  Chris Smit             Coastal
    2nd  Deema Annyuk          Coastal
    3rd  Cody Cambell          Soliton
    4th  Dustin Gordon          ----
    5th  Bill Letham            ----

    Race #4: Ft Langley Points Race - Mar 12, 2005

    Sunshine, 17 degree tempuratures and great prizes provided lots of motivation for racers to give it their all today as the Spring Series returned to the Fort Langley River Road course, this time for a Points Race. A 6km pancake flat course gave sprinters an opportunity to exibit their strengths.

    In the A Group, Martin Gilbert riding for the Trek Volkswagen team out of Montreal used his international track racing experience to dominate the A race. Gilbert, in Vancouver en route to Los Angeles for the World Track Cycling Championshps at the end of the month and local racer Min Van Velzen of Symmetrics put on a good show dueling for points every second lap. Van Velzen finished the day with the second most points. US pro Kirk O'Bee of the Navigators Insurance Cycling team, fresh off riding the Classics season openers Het Volk and Kurne Brussels Kurne in Belgium, used his fitness to bridge across to a 4 man breakaway with 5 laps left in the race. Half a lap later, they were joined by 5 more riders growing the breakaway to 10 riders strong. Christian Meier (Symmetrics) and O'Bee then attacked the break with one lap to go, O'Bee taking the final sprint, the double points at the finish and securing third overall.

    A strong Garth White of the Comox Valley CC was the clear winner in the B's with 18 points. Tim Abercrombie (Escape Velocity) again takes a spot on the podium in second place. Attilla Fritz of Mighty Riders had some early succeses and finished third.

    Chris Smit of Coastal won the C's. Ron Klopfer was second followed by Deema Annyuk. All three of these guys have regularly been on the C podium and are definetly strong. Perhaps it's time for an upgrade to the B group, guys...

    A Group: 52 riders, 20 laps, 130km
    1st  Martin Gilbert               Trek/VW
    2nd  Vin Van Velzen               Symmetrics Army
    3rd  Kirk O'Bee                    Navigators Insurance
    4th (tie)Christian Meier          Symmetrics
    4th (tie) Murray Solem            Blak Dog Racing
    6th (tie) Dave Goosen             Rocky Mountain Adobe
    6th (tie) Keith Stark             Rocky Mountain Business Objects
    8th Jordan Guenette               Rocky Mountain Adobe
    9th (tie) Jim Kwasnicki           Coastal
    9th (tie) Luca Segato             Natural Earth Racing
    11th (tie) Dave Jenkins           Blak Dog
    11th (tie) Mike Koski             Rocky Mountain Adobe
    11th (tie) Ken Johnson            Blak Dog
    B Group: 58 riders, 16 laps, 100km
    1st Garth White             Comox Valley CC
    2nd Tim Abercrombie        Escape Velocity
    3rd Atilla Fritz           Mighty Riders
    4th Maurizio Giraldi       Mighty Riders
    5th (tie) Mike Boehm       The Bike Co.
    5th (tie) Joel Lemaire     Pheonix Velo
    7th (tie) Mandy Poitras    Symmetrics
    7th (tie) John Perkins     Escape Velocity
    9th (tie) Horacio Chaves   
    9th (tie) Adam Schwind     WWU Cycling
    C Group: 42 riders, 11 laps, 68km
    1st Chris Smit               Coastal
    2nd Ron Klopfer                --
    3rd  Deema Annyuk            Coastal
    4th (tie) Bob Lindsay        Vancouver Velo Vets
    4th (tie) David Ricci        Wedgewood
    6th (tie) Taku Imai          Devo Powerbar
    6th (tie) Micayla Gatto      Roacky Mountain Business Objects
    8th (tie) Wayne Henderson    Coastal
    8th (tie) Rob Dale           Atomic
    Commissaire Notices:

    A Group riders disqualified for yellow line violation:
    Brad Fairral (Symmetrics)
    Dave Dunnison (Coastal)

    C Group Rider disqualified for not neutralizing when being passed by a faster pack (A's passing C's) and abusive language towards a race organizer:
    David Richardson

    Race #3: Armstrong Road Race - Mar 6, 2005

    A Group at the line C Group at the line
    Eric Harvey (Bayside) leads
    Mike Koski (Solo/Adobe) in
    the early break
    C Group passes the start/finish

    There are few courses In British Columbia that are both as dreaded and adored by racers than the infamous Armstrong Circuit in Fort Langley. This morning, 139 racers stepped up to Armstrong's challenge. Dry roads and warm temperatures were little of appeasement to those still carrying their winter 10 lbs.

    In the A race Mike Koski (Trek) and Eric Harvey (Bayside) went off of the front early opened a large gap quickly as the peleton appeared to be out for a Sunday spin. The Gap peaked at 2:10 but was quickly negated when Teams Coastal, Symmetrics and Rocky Mountain went to work at the front. With five to go the break was caught and Jeff Sherstobitoff (Symmetrics) launched a strong counter-attack. Andrew Kyle (Sugoi/Giant) was able to bridge across using his mountain bike climbing skills. Sherstobitoff and Kyle were able to stay away for three laps before they were reeled back in.

    At the start of the bell lap an elite group containing Carl Jacobson (Rocky Mountain), Damien Waugh (Rocky Mountain), Sean Dawson (Trek), Larry Zimich (Coastal), Christian Meier (Symmetrics), and Bradley Fairall (Symmetrics) rolled though together. On the final lap Fairall was the first up the hill claiming his second win in as many days. Larry Zimich outsprinted Sean Dawson for second. Christian Meier and Carl Jacobson rounded out the top five.

    From the gun the B's set a blistering pace, shattering their group of 70 on the very first climb. After four laps the B's had caught and passed the A's who had a minute head start. Small attacks went off of the front continuously but no one had enough juice to stay away. Tim Abercrombie (Escape Velocity) had more in the tank on the last lap and finished 3 seconds ahead of his next challenger. Garth White (Comox Valley CC) was the best of the rest edging out Mike Boehm (The Bike Co.) for Second. Galen Keyler (Pheonix Velo) and Ryan Edwards (Team Squamish) finished fourth and fifth respectively.

    Many C's racing their first climbers race struggled to stay with their more experienced counter parts. Cody Cambell (Soliton) developed a large gap three laps in but was caught a lap later. Nathan Macdonald (BlackDog) slipped off of the front to take to King of The Mountains prize but was soon reeled in. With two laps left Austin Macdougall (Devo/Powerbar) launched a ferocious attack. Mike Elliston (Unattached) went on the next lap. Elliston passed Macdougall who was unable to match his power. Mike Elliston stayed away for the solo victory followed by Austin Macdougall. Deema Annyuk (Coastal) pipped his team-mate Chris Smit (Coastal) on the line for third. Nathan Macdonald rounded out the top five.

    A.) 36 Racers
    1st  Bradley Fairall            Symmetrics
    2nd Larry Zimich               Coastal
    3rd  Sean Dawson            Trek / Red Truck Ale
    4th Christian Meier            Symmetrics
    5th Carl Jacobson             Rocky Mountain / Adobe
    Eric Harvey                     Bayside
    Mike Koski                     Rocky Mountain / Adobe
    Andrew Kyle                   Sugoi / Giant
    B.) 70 Racers
    1st  Tim Abercrombie      Escape Velocity
    2nd Garth White             Comox Valley Cycling Club
    3rd  Mike Boehm            The Bike Co.
    4th  Galen Kehler            Pheonix Velo / Wenting's
    5th Ryan Edwards           Team Squamish
    John Perkins                   Escape Velocity
    Galen Kehler                   Pheonix Velo / Wenting's 
    C.) 33 Racers   
    1st  Mike Elliston
    2nd Austin Macodougall   Devo/Powerbar
    3rd  Deema Annyuk         Coastal
    4th  Chris Smit                Coastal
    5th  Nathan Macdonald    Black-Dog
    Nathan Macdonald

    Race #2: Zero Ave Road Race - Mar 5, 2005

    Symmetrics riders won both A and B Group races today at Zero Ave with Brad Fairall and Mandy Poitras taking the honours. In the C Group, Western Washington University's Adam Schwind won over fellow WWU teammate Brett Walker.

    An early breakaway of Murray Solem (Blak Dog), Basse Clement (Solo/Adobe), and Chris Barth (Bayside) got away and gained up to 2:50 in the A Group race over the next 9 laps. With 4 laps to go, the pack caught the break and counter attacks started. Brad Fairral (Symmetrics) managed to stay up the road, as his initial break was unsuccessful on the hill. The next attack consisted of Carl Jacobson (Solo/Adobe) and Fairral's teammates Min Van Velzen and Christian Meier. The four worked together briefly, before Fairral struck out alone, taking the win solo.

    Mandy Poitras (Symmetrics) showed some of the speed that's made her 12 time Canadian National Champion on the velodrome as she took the largest pack sprint of the day, winning the 67 rider strong B Group race. Poitras will be representing Canada at the World Track Championships in Los Angeles at the end of March in the Points Race and Scratch Race.

    Another big turnout for Zero Ave. Photo: Peter Ross

    A.) 48 Riders
    1  Brad Fairall                Symmetrics
    2 Christian Meier            Symmetrics
    3 Carl Jacobson             Rocky Mountain / Adobe
    4 Min Van Velzen           Symmetrics
    5 Larry Zimich                Team Coastal
    B.) 67 Riders
    1 Mandy Poitras               Symmetrics
    2 Maurizio Giralo            Mighty Riders
    3 Bryan Anderson           Sugoi / Giant
    4 Hans Bauck                Team Coastal
    5 Tony Routley               Flora-Glow / Norco
    C.) 50 Riders
    1 Adam Schwind            WWU Cycling
    2 Brett Walker                WWU Cycling
    3 Chris Smit
    4 Mike Elliston
    5 Deema Annyuk            Team Coastal

    Race #1: River Road Circuit Race - Feb 27, 2005

    Another year, another record BC season opener. The Devo/Powerbar Spring Series kicked off on February 27th with 220 riders, eclipsing the 2004 kick-off by over 60 riders. Sunshine and warm weather helped the turnout, with 70 riders in the A Group, 95 riders in the B Group, and 58 riders in the C Group. In the A Group, a 10 man breakaway went away early in the race, lasting in front of a charging pack for 15 of the 17 lap/105km race. Then with 2 to go, the remaining 4 riders were caught, setting up for a pack sprint, won by Team Coastal's Larry Zimich in front of Solo's Carl Jacobson and Symmetrics Scott Goguen.

    Top: 220 riders at the start line.
    Right: the A Group breakaway
    Below: the A Group pack with 2 laps to go

    Race #1 - February 27th, 2005
    A Group
    1st - Larry Zimich Team Coastal
    2nd - Scott Goguen Symmetrics Cycling
    3rd - Carl Jacobson Solo/Adobe
    4th - Sean Brandon Western Washington University
    5th - Brett Boniface Organic Athlete
    B Group
    1st - Tim Abercrombie Escape Velocity
    2nd - Tim Sherstobitoff Kelowna Cycles
    3rd - Mandy Poitras Symmetrics Cycling
    4th - Bryan Anderson Sugoi/Giant
    5th - David Frisch Comox Valley Cycling Club
    C Group
    1st - Geoff Trip Western Washington University
    2nd - Deema Annyuk Team Coastal
    3rd - Mike Elliston  
    4th - Nathan Wallce  
    5th - Albert Nomura  


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