BCMCA invites you to the season’s final race and awards luncheon Sunday September 05, 2010
On Sunday at 11:00 we will start the last BCMCA race for 2010 on Vancouver Island. It will be a 65 Km Australian pursuit that starts and finishes at the Cherry Point Vineyards. It is a double points event.
Lunch (lavish) will be provided free, after the race on Sunday, to all BCMCA full members and volunteers. Others can buy lunch for $25 (plus taxes and tip).
RSVP by August 31, 2010: Kim Gard,
e-mail garddogs@shaw.ca or telephone 250-370-2689.
Annual championship awards will be presented at the luncheon. So if you hold a trophy that is handed on from year to year, please bring it, all shined up, or ship it in advance.
We look forward to seeing you there congratulating the champions (riders and volunteers).
Bill Yearwood