# BC Provincial Road Race 2019 ## Brian Jessel BMW Road Championship ## May 26, 2019 The 2019 Provincial Road Race presented by [Brian Jessel BMW](https://www.brianjesselbmw.com/en-CA/home) took place on a 19km hilly course meandering through the valleys east of Vancouver, BC. The weather gods graced the cyclists with a bright and sunny day with no wind which was a stark contrast to the torrential downpour the day before for the provincial time trial. Provincial medals and championship jerseys were awarded to the winners on the day in the elite and masters categories. ![Neutral bottles provided by Borne getting handed out in the feed zone](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-5683.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Elite Men In the Elite Men’s race Jordan Cheyne, Elevate-KHS and Jackson Bocksnick, Glotman Simpson managed to get off the front of the men’s field in the second of their seven laps. They extended their gap to 2’32” by lap five and Cheyne got off the front in lap six, for a final gap of 3’22” over Bocksnick and 4’41” over the chase group. Amiel Flett-Brown, Glotman Simpson took third, Kyle Buckosky, Trek Red Truck Racing P/B Mosaic Homes was fourth and Nick Monette, Mighty Cycling fifth. ![Elite Men ](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-8868.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Elite Women Brenna Pauly, Trek Red Truck Racing P/B Mosaic Homes, and Esta Bovill, InstaFund La Prima, got away from the Elite Women field in Lap four of their five lap race. They maintained that to finish with a final gap of 0’50”. Michele Schaeffer, InstalFund La Prima was third, Claire Cameron, Fluevog’s Crit Nasty took fourth and Holly Simonson, Trek Red Truck Racing P/B Mosaic Homes was fifth. ![Elite Women ](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-2-39.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Master A Men In the Master A field, Daniel Owsiany, Mussette/Enroute managed to get ahead of the group at the finish for a 0’04” gap over Richard Costello, Steed Cycles and 0’24” over the rest of the field. Nick Friesen and Brett Boniface, both from Victoria Breakaway Cycling took third and fourth. Paul Moffat PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings was fifth. ![Master A Men ](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-8853.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Master A Women In the Master A Women’s field, Morgon Cabot, Glotman Simpson took first place. Erika McLaren, Independent was second and Michelle Arduini, Liv Cycling Vancouver was third. ![Master A Women ](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-2-33.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Master B Men The Master B race was also dominated by an early breakaway, with Jeffery Werner, Langlois Brown Racing and Matt Usborne, Independent, getting away in the second lap of their five lap race. With an initial gap of 0’59” and extending that to 1’18” at the finish. Werner took first, Usborne was second. In the main group, Vincent Marcotte, Langlois Brown Racing took the group sprint for third, Jon Bula, PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holding was fourth and Eugene Hahn, Victoria Wheelers Cycling Club was fifth. ![Master B Men](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-8849.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Master B Women The Master B Women’s race was won by Debra Parker, Watt Riot Cycling. With Jennifer Gerth, Fluvog’s Crit Nasty for second and Lynda McCue, Independent, third. ![Master B Women ](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-8813.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Master C Men The heavily contested Master C Mens was won by Matt Brown, Fulgas. Brown and Roger Lee, Langlois Brown Racing got away from the main field in the second of their four-lap race to finish with a 1’04” gap to the rest of the field. Uli Mayer, Glotman Simpson Cycling took third overall by winning the field sprint. Neil Hodgson, Prince George Cycling Club was fourth, Scott Goguen, Independent was fifth. ![Master C Men ](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-2-28.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Master C Women Heather Simonson, TripleShot Cycling took first in the Master C Womens race. With Sandra Schinnerl, Escape Velocity taking second. ![Master C Women](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-8804.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Master D Men Barry Beck, Victoria Breakaway Cycling took first in the Master D Men category. With Colin Funk, Escape Velocity for second, Horacio Chaves, Independent for third, John Langley, Fulgas, was fourth, and Al Jenkins, United Velo fith. ![Master D Men](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-2-30.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner ### Category: Master D Women Jane Weller, Tag Cycling Race Team took first in the Master D Women. ![Master D Women](https://results.wimsey.co/photos-tlbrimner/media/small/2019/bc2019/2019-05-25%20BC%20Provincial%202019%20RR/BCRRChampsbytlbvelo2019-8802.jpg) ###### Photo Credit - Tammy Brimner Brief Results Championship Categories ### Category: Elite Men (5 laps, 63 starters[d]) 1. CHEYNE, Jordan, Elevate-KHS (42.1 km/h) 2. BOCKSNICK, Jackson, Glotman Simpson Cycling 3. FLETT-BROWN, amiel, Glotman Simpson Cycling 4. BUCKOSKY, Kyle, Trek Red Truck Racing P/B Mosaic Homes 5. MONETTE, Nick, Mighty Cycling ### Category: Elite Women (5 laps, 63 starters) 1. PAULY, Brenna, Trek Red Truck Racing P/B Mosaic Homes (34.9 km/h) 2. BOVILL, Esta, InstaFund La Prima 3. SCHAEFFER, Michele, InstaFund La Prima 4. CAMERON, Claire, Fluevog's Crit Nasty 5. SIMONSON, Holly, Trek Red Truck Racing P/B Mosaic Homes ### Category: Master A Men (4 laps, 28 starters) 1. OWSIANY, Daniel, Musette/ Enroute (39.0 km/h) 2. COSTELLO, Richard, Steed Cycles 3. FRIESEN, Nick, Victoria Breakaway Cycling 4. BONIFACE, Brett, Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club 5. MOFFAT, Paul, PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings ### Category: Master A Women (4 laps, 28 starters) 1. CABOT, Morgan, Glotman Simpson Cycling (33.9 km/h) 2. MCLAREN, Erika, Independent 3. ARDUINI, Michelle, Liv cycling Vancouver ### Category: Master B Men (4 laps, 41 starters) 1. WERNER, Jeffrey, Langlois Brown Racing (39.4 km/h) 2. USBORNE, Matt, Independent 3. MARCOTTE, Vincent, Langlois Brown Racing 4. BULA, Jon, PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings 5. HAHN, Eugene, Victoria Wheelers Cycling Club ### Category: Master B Women (4 laps, 41 starters) 1. PARKER, Debra, Watt Riot Cycling (33.9 km/h) 2. GERTH, Jennifer, Fluevog's Crit Nasty 3. MCCUE, Lynda, Independent 4. TYSON, Donna, no club listed on license ### Category: Master C Men (4 laps, 32 starters) 1. BROWN, Matt, Fulgas (37.2 km/h) 2. LEE, Roger, Langlois Brown Racing 3. MAYER, Uli, Glotman Simpson Cycling 4. HODGSON, Neil, Prince George Cycling Club 5. GOGUEN, Scott, Independent ### Category: Master C Women (4 laps, 32 starters) 1. SIMONSON, Heather, TripleShot Cycling (32.7 km/h) 2. SCHINNERL, Sandra, Escape Velocity ### Category: Master D Men (4 laps, 10 starters) 1. BECK, Barry, Victoria Breakaway Cycling (36.9 km/h) 2. FUNK, Colin, Escape Velocity 3. CHAVES, Horacio, Independant 4. LANGLEY, John, Fulgas 5. JENKINS, Al, United Velo ### Category: Master D Women (4 laps, 10 starters) 1. WELLER, Jane, TaG Cycling Race Team (32.5 km/h) Non Championship Categories ### Category: Cat 3 Men (4 laps, 11 starters) 1. HOGMAN, Samuel, Victoria Wheelers Cycling Club (38.2 km/h) 2. UTLEY, Martin, PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings 3. BASTIAN, Trevor, Glotman Simpson Cycling 4. KLASSEN, Jesse, Independant 5. BROWN, MATTHEW, Mighty Cycling ### Category: Cat 3 Women (4 laps, 11 starters) 1. MARSHALL, Lauren, Mighty Cycling (32.7 km/h) ### Category: Cat 4 Men (4 laps, 22 starters) 1. NACAUILI, Noel, United Velo (38.2 km/h) 2. FISHER, Jakub, 3. SHEEL, William (Bill), PenderFund p/b Neighbourhood Holdings 4. FOUCART, Pierre, Glotman Simpson Cycling 5. KELLY, Trevor, United Velo ### Category: Cat 4 Women (4 laps, 22 starters) 1. LAW, Jessica, United Velo (32.1 km/h) 2. ANDERSON, Heather, Glotman Simpson Cycling 3. TONNEMAN, Hannah, Glotman Simpson Cycling 4. WEATHERHEAD, Drew, Glotman Simpson Cycling ## BC Road and Time Trial Website and full results [Website](https://results.wimsey.co/2019/bc2019/)