**Escape Velocity Spring Series** **Township of Langley and Abbotsford BC** **February 29th through May 10th, 2020** ### Race Communiqué 4 ### Schedule Change - Spring Series Hiatus due to COVID-19 ### 2020-03-12 Due to the recent developments of COVID-19, Escape Velocity has decided that the Spring Series will go on hiatus until further notice. Health Officials are asking community event organizers to postpone large gatherings in an effort to flatten the curve of new infections. As a club, we feel that it is our social responsibility to comply with this request. Thanks for your understanding. We will continue to monitor the situation and as soon as gatherings are deemed safe again then we will restart the races. So keep on training everyone-we hope to see you back on the course as soon as possible. Refunds for this weekend will be sent out in the near future. Makeup dates will be scheduled for later in May and June if possible. ### Head Commissaire - Heather Kay ### Race Director - Stuart Lynne